The Carbon Reduction

The Carbon Reduction project for a large Industrial Area to move the area to a net zero carbon emissions profile through the collective Carbon Reduction initiatives. This goal is being approached by the council members, with a pooling of resources and effort to progress the industrial cluster toward its sustainability goal. 

The underlying principle of this work is that the combined efforts of the enterprises to act together as a collegiate promoting industrial symbiosis, which is traditionally related to the exchange of products, by-products, and utilities in geographically connected industrial clusters.

  • Engage new/imminent operators, innovators, tertiary educators, collaborators, and governance

  • Rank operators by emissions (based on quantities reported)

  • Map ranked operators against their net zero commitments

  • Pre-allocate likely carbon reduction tactics and scale (fuel substitution, electrification, CCS, etc.)


Artificial Intelligence


A Dam Break in Australia