Blake’s Portfolio showcases solutions, with a common goal: To help environment.


Blake has handled water resource and environmental issues in multidisciplinary teams on a range of project sizes, leveraging his technical expertise to address intricate problems. His versatility and collaborative approach enable him to excel in diverse project environments.

Blake's technical expertise extends to designing flood protection measures, river diversions, flood mapping, and environmental hydrology, as well as dam, drainage systems, urban, bridge, and culvert waterway design. With adept skills in hydrotechnical analysis, he assesses potential dam breaks for both non-Newtonian and Newtonian fluids, enabling him to evaluate potential dam failure consequences and devise effective mitigation strategies.

Moreover, Blake's experience in environmental assessments, managing long-term stability, and impact minimization measures for resource projects has deepened his understanding of State and Federal environmental approval processes and the associated challenges.

This Portfolio section showcases Blake's experience and his dedication to a greener, more sustainable future.


For the expert and the novice.

We know there are usually a lot of correct answers to our problems, but which is the most correct?

The mission is to provide free A.I. that guides people working with complex and clunky data.

The GPTs are dedicated to efficiency. The AI learns the technical knowledge base, then your data, and instantly communicates with you to find the optimum solution.