Artificial Intelligence

Collaborated to explore the potential of AI for various applications within an organization. Blake developed a use case presentation and created a Proof of Concept (POC) to demonstrate the feasibility and value of implementing AI-based solutions for improving efficiency and productivity in both internal and external use cases. Key responsibilities and deliverables for the team included:

  • Collaborated on the development of a use case presentation showcasing practical applications of AI for internal operations, such as report analysis, table conversions, and content digestion, as well as external client-facing solutions.

  • Emphasized the benefits of AI in enhancing efficiency, problem-solving, and content digestion, drawing parallels with the energy transition and the shift towards a post-carbon society.

  • Showcased a commitment to leveraging AI for delivering efficient and creative solutions.

  • Engaged with global digital team members to share insights and best practices for AI implementation within the organization.

  • Presentations to key stakeholders, including people leaders across various regions.

By successfully executing these tasks, the team showcases the potential of AI in enhancing the organization's operations and contributing to its digital transformation journey.


Global Water Growth


The Carbon Reduction