A Dam Break in Australia

Blake undertook a comprehensive project for a gold mine, where he developed a comparative analysis of a dam break assessment previously conducted by another consultant for two tailings storage facilities. His work involved a detailed evaluation of critical failure modes, an assessment of the population at risk and potential loss of life, and the creation of inundation maps for visual representation.

He employed hydraulic modeling to determine inundation extents and used HEC-RAS for non-Newtonian analysis. The objective of the report was to verify the other consultant’s work and propose a more suitable methodology where necessary.

As an Environmental Water Engineer for the Tailing storage facility, Blake conducted a dam break analysis of several dams to assess the downstream flood impact on property and lives. He utilised HEC-RAS to model two-dimensional unsteady flow dam break analysis for concept design and detailed design. Furthermore, he carried out a consequence category assessment and Population at Risk Assessment in accordance with the guidance provided by ANCOLD.

Overall, Blake's work demonstrated his ability to conduct thorough hydrotechnical analyses, utilise advanced hydraulic modelling tools, and adhere to industry guidelines to assess and mitigate potential risks.


The Carbon Reduction